A parking lot accident can ruin your weekend. If you ever went to the grocery store, you know that the parking lot is a deadly trap. It is not uncommon seeing people backing out while smoking a cigarette, or talking in their cellular phone. It is even worst when you honk at them and they look at you as if you were doing something wrong. If you are in a parking lot accident, there are several things you need to know about before it is too late.Most parking lots in America are considered private property, and most of the accidents are low speed impacts. This means that “usually” there will not be people making bodily injury claims, at least not at the scene. The combination of the two allows the police decline your call for help. It is very likely that the police will not respond to document the damages.You will be left at your own devices to get the other party’s information and defending your case. A parking lot accident usually gets complicated. Drivers have very different perspectives of what happened and word vs. word situations will most likely arise if you do not have witnesses (insurance companies require… Read full this story
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