Happenin? You wint tae cum to ma bit cos I’ve goat an empty ra morra ‘n a fancy a swally? Did you understand that sentence? If you did, the chances are you’re from ma bit – Glasgow. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, I basically asked you how you are and invited you to my home for an alcoholic beverage. Over the years, us Glaswegians have shortened words, invented our own sayings, and made it all the more difficult for our friends elsewhere in the UK (or even in Edinburgh) to understand a single word we say. We thought it was time to produce an updated guide to our language, which is special, funny and testament to the people of Glasgow. We, however, caution that this is the language of the streets so don’t read on if you are easily offended. 1. Weegie word: dolly Non-Glaswegian translation: foolish, idiotic or stupid. Usage: Senga walked into the door, she is pure dolly man. Similar words: glaikit, rocket, eejit, banger, walloper. 2. Weegie word: a doin Translation: a person who has been attacked or let someone else get the better of them in a fight. Usage: Rab pure gave… Read full this story
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'Here we, here we ****** go': 100 words and phrases only Glaswegians will understand have 338 words, post on www.eveningtimes.co.uk at November 21, 2017. This is cached page on Vietnam Colors. If you want remove this page, please contact us.