Richard Baynes The tidal pool looks perfect. The rock is reddish-brown; plant life seems to glow in the sunshine through glass-clear water. Approaching it, tiny marine animals dart away, seeking cover beneath stones. It’s a hot day and I wade in to cast my eye over the bottom of the pool. There. And there. Sharp blue; vermilion; unnaturally black: you can see them clearly when you get close up. Loading article content A centimetre or two across at most, they are scraps of plastic, small but unmistakeable among the soft forms and colours of the pool’s inhabitants. I add them to my bag of rubbish scavenged from the pools here at Killiedraughts Bay, on the north side of Eyemouth. We’re on a beach clean organised by Sarah Russell, project officer for the St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve, dedicated to keeping these waters and coastline pollution-free. We work our way in from the low-water line to the top of the beach, which is rocky below the sweep of sand surrounded by grassy cliffs that makes it such an attractive spot. There are two bike frames and the metal skeleton of a pushchair, but the rest of the rubbish we… Read full this story
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