Jasper HamillThursday 31 May 2018 12:01 am Share this article with Facebook Share this article with Twitter Share this article with Google Plus Share this article through email Share this article with Whatsapp Share this article through Governments and tech companies risk a popular backlash against artificial intelligence (AI) unless they open up about how it will be used, according to a new report. A poll conducted for the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) revealed widespread concern that AI will create a ‘Computer Says No’ culture, in which crucial decisions are made automatically without consideration of individual circumstances. If the public feels ‘victimised or disempowered’ by intelligent machines, they may resist the introduction of new technologies, even if it holds back progress which could benefit them, the report warned. ‘Black Juicy’ and Lizzie throw cups of tea, abuse and bin lids at each otherFear of inflexible and unfeeling automatic decision-making was a greater concern than robots taking humans’ jobs among those taking part in a survey by pollsters YouGov for the RSA. Despite recent publicity about the misuse of Facebook users’ personal data to target online ads, issues surrounding social marketing were bottom of the list of concerns. Advertisement Advertisement… Read full this story
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British public fears dawn of ‘computer says no’ world ruled by merciless machines, poll reveals have 368 words, post on metro.co.uk at May 31, 2018. This is cached page on Vietnam Colors. If you want remove this page, please contact us.