AgilePQ SLiM delivers data-in-transit security specifically designed for the billions of vulnerable constrained IoT endpoints SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 27, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AgilePQ®, a privately held security software company, today announced the general market release of its revolutionary new platform to secure the smallest of IoT endpoint and edge gateway devices. The AgilePQ SLiM (Secure Last IoT Mile) product was specifically developed to secure the last mile in the new IoT deployment paradigm. A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below: AgilePQ: Media Snippet /EIN News/ — The Internet of Things is fostering the development of new computing platforms using IoT devices with extremely constrained processors and highly limited memory. These limited-resource devices are being used for a variety of business reasons, including cost and battery savings. Last year, the number of small, constrained IoT (M2M) devices surpassed the number of human-to-machine devices globally and are expected to comprise 80% of the world’s compute platforms by 2023. A significant number of these devices will operate in the clear, without a security solution like AgilePQ SLiM. AgilePQ’s platform is specifically designed with a total code footprint of only 2.4 KB on… Read full this story
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