A representative of WikiLeaks has sent a “confidential” memo to news outlets including an updated “defamation list” (version 1.2), advising reporters not to mention or publish it. The memo was promptly leaked (the first out of the gate to leak was Emma Best of MuckRock). WikiLeaks then linked to a revised, heavily edited and redacted version (version 1.3) they posted “anonymously” on a text paste site. Here, without further comment or editing, and in its entirety, is the WikiLeaks advisory. From: WikiLeaks / Sunshine Press <> Subject: CONFIDENTIAL: Assange & WikiLeaks inaccurate and defamatory claims v1.2 To: <> CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL COMMUNICATION NOT FOR PUBLICATION. WikiLeaks and Julian Assange have published the largest, most accurate leaks in the history of the CIA, State Department, Pentagon, U.S. politics, and Saudi-Arabia, among many others. Predictably, given the nature of some of these entities, numerous falsehoods have been subsequently spread about WikiLeaks and its publisher. Additional falsehoods have been spread by media competitors, click-bait sites, political party loyalists, and by those linked to, or paid by, the governments WikiLeaks or Julian Assange are litigating or have litigated (UK, US, Ecuador, Sweden), which seek his arrest (U.S., U.K), expulsion (Ecuador), or who have formal criminal investigations against his publishing… Read full this story
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Please don’t repeat these things WikiLeaks says you can’t say about Assange [Updated] have 343 words, post on arstechnica.com at January 7, 2019. This is cached page on Vietnam Colors. If you want remove this page, please contact us.