A financial expert has explained how investing just a few hundred dollars each month can see you retire a multi-millionaire by the end of your working life. Sydney financial planner Canna Campbell, who runs SugarMammaTV, claims that if you are disciplined enough to invest monthly you can retire with ‘more than $2.2 million’ by the time you’re 65. ‘The earlier you start the better but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to start today,’ she told Daily Mail Australia. Canna said a 22-year-old can end up with more than $2.2million in the bank by the time they retire if they start with just $1,000 and invest half of it. Scroll down for video Sydney-based expert Canna Campbell (pictured) claims that putting away just a few hundred each month from the age of 22 can help you earn seven figures by the time you retire How much do you need to invest to become a millionaire by 65?AGE INVEST EACH MONTH 22 $500 25 $630 30 $1,000 35$1,500 37 $1,750 They simply need to invest $500 per month until the age of 65 and make sure they always reinvest their interest and dividends and never sell anything. ‘If they earn an average of 8 per cent per annum… Read full this story
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