This article is part of Troubleshooting Earth : a multi-part series that explores the bold, innovative, and potentially world-changing efforts to wield technology as a weapon against climate change. If you're a foodie with your ear to the ground, you've almost certainly heard of the "farm to fork" movement, designed to promote the serving of fresh, locally sourced produce. But how about "lab to table"? Sure, it's less catchy, but it's also what many believe to be the future: the mass production of lab-grown meat that requires the killing of zero animals before it lands on your grill. It's not just something that appeals to animal lovers, either. Lab-grown meat could, its proponents suggest, help the environment, while also producing significantly less food waste in the process. In the past decade, the dream of lab-grown meat has shifted from science fiction to science fact. In doing so, it has sparked the creation of dozens of companies, and support from some of the biggest names on the planet. But is it truly the way of the future? Digital Trends took an extended look. A long-term dream You can thank Winston Churchill. Well, kind of. Back in 1931, before he was British… Read full this story
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Agriculture 2.0: Is lab-grown meat real life or is it just delicious fantasy? | Digital Trends have 303 words, post on at April 22, 2019. This is cached page on Vietnam Colors. If you want remove this page, please contact us.