Twins brothers Adrian and Andrew Nuño got their start in filmmaking at McHenry County College when they were students in 2016. Now they’re returning to their hometown of Crystal Lake to showcase their latest creation, the award-winning original film “Little Things.” The movie will premiere at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 6, at the Raue Center for the Arts in Crystal Lake. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. A discussion immediately follows the film. The Nuño brothers have collaborated with other MCC alumni and MCC theater instructor Jay Geller to produce this film that took a year and a half to make from conception to completion. The 40-minute film is directed and produced by both Nuño brothers of Crystal Lake, produced by Kayleigh Jensen of McHenry, written and starring Lauryn Lugo and cinematography by Daniel Gebert, both of Crystal Lake.The film also includes assistant director Erika Oesau and storyboard artist Olivia Jensen, both of Crystal Lake, and cast member Mateusz Wielomeck of Algonquin. All of the crew are MCC alumni or former students. Geller has a role in the film, along with other professional Chicago-based actors.”Our common bond with one another is our shared interest in storytelling,” Adrian Nuño said. “Whether it… Read full this story
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