If you don’t see images in this message, click “Display Images” or the equivalent.Click hereGet the Nooner in your e-mail box.click here. Nooner Premium | SacTown Talks by The Nooner podcastCalifornia Legislative Directory| Classifieds | Sofa Degree E-232 – Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Become a Nooner Premium subscriber to access enhanced legislative profiles, exclusive election analysis, and downloadable back-end data. | Follow se in The Nooner to reach over 8,000 readers RECENT AURAL PLEASURE: ELECTION UPDATES: CA52 (San Diego): added Famela Ramos (R) – likely D – challege to Peters (D) AD04 (Napa/Yolo/Dixon): added Matt Nelson (R) - likely D – challenge to Aguiar-Curry (D) AD25 (Fremont-Santa Clara): updated analysis [Nooner Premium] – Tran (D) out, endorses Song (D) AD76 (Oceanside): added small business owner Michael Miller (R) IN TODAY’S NOONER: 2020 Poll Position Hey, It’s OMAR! Pot delivery Bail – dual strategies More on congressional dough Cakeday Happy Humpday! I’m still getting through these FEC reports to find things worth an eyebrow raise. “HEY, IT’S OMAR” — “ALL IN THE GAME YO, ALL IN THE GAME.” As you likely know, CA43 MAGA candidate Omar Navarro (R) is back for another challenge to Maxine Waters (D), who defeated him 77.7% to 23.3% last year…. Read full this story
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