Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates: On Oct. 13, the new vaccination-differentiated safe management measures (VDS) preliminarily kicked in across malls, attractions, hawker centres, and coffee shops across Singapore. Under the new VDS, unvaccinated persons are no longer allowed into malls and attractions in the country. Now, cinemas, which are generally located within malls, have also removed the option of unvaccinated halls completely, which leaves the unvaccinated unable to watch movies in theatres here. Only fully vaccinated halls available A quick Google search revealed that all major movie operators have announced the implementation of only fully vaccinated halls from Oct. 13. Even independent cinemas, such as the Projector, have also implemented the policy of fully vaccinated halls. In response to Mothership ‘s queries, Golden Village, Singapore’s largest cinema operator, also confirmed that it has removed the option of unvaxxed halls islandwide from Oct. 13. Who can go to the cinema Under the new VDS measures, cinemas across the country will only operate “fully-vaccinated halls” for: Fully-vaccinated individuals who have completed 14 days after their second dose, and Children aged 12 years and below from the same household However, some cinemas, such as Golden Village and Shaw ,… Read full this story
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All cinemas in S'pore phased out unvaxxed halls since Oct. 13, 2021 have 281 words, post on at October 30, 2021. This is cached page on Vietnam Colors. If you want remove this page, please contact us.